Listen, support, and transform
I am committed to helping people who recognize something isn't working in their lives but don't know how to move forward. There is a sense of being unhappy, stuck, or unsettled, and the next step feels overwhelming and uncertain. I have a deep sense of compassion and respect for those who are struggling.
It is my belief that understanding the complexity of one's life and circumstance brings needed relief. It is important to address the problem, not just the symptoms. Depression and anxiety signify that something needs to change so that life has more meaning and fulfillment, and you find yourself again.
Change does not happen alone. It is through the therapeutic relationship that hope can be renewed and healing begins. I believe in this process and I'm dedicated to the journey with you. If you are interested in scheduling sessions with me, please send an appointment request.
Anita Ryan, LICSW, AADC